This slow tutorial show how a draw a typical old European architecture store in adobe illustrator . Although there is no narration or explanation in this video you can easily understand the step by steps easily if you know little bit of adobe illustrator.
Design of this artwork is flat design but with details. Also shadows are more realistic with the scene. Also this can qualify for a cartoon design as well.
You can use this to create posters, ref-let or any sort of printing, cartoons, 2D games, or resource to an info-graphic work
If you like this background and want to download a advanced version click the download button.
In this artwork I mostly use pen tool and basic shapes such as the rectangle.
Used Techniques and Tools
Blend tool : Using steps in blend tools to make railings / shades in windows and for the blue strips on the awning and the picket fence behind.
Path finder tool : This tool has been used many places in this tutorial. This tool is very useful to delete the unnecessary parts of a shape easily. for an example on those abstract clouds i first I used unite tool (19:21) of path finder tool to add all the circles to gather and then used the minus front tool (19:25) to cut the bottom part
If you have any question or doubt please leave a comment, I will answer them as much as possible.